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Problem Connecting Developer 6.0 to 10G Database Oracle DB |
6 |
13564 |
Sat, 20 March 2010 13:30 By: Littlefoot  |
Db links issues.. Oracle10g/ |
1 |
6475 |
Thu, 18 March 2010 13:43 By: BlackSwan  |
Oracle forms login problem By: aa321 on Wed, 17 March 2010 |
14 |
16418 |
Thu, 18 March 2010 01:53 By: ramoradba  |
Connect time fail over Oracle, Linux 64 bit |
11 |
11802 |
Mon, 15 March 2010 12:29 By: BlackSwan  |
Oracle Heteregenous Services Ortacle 10g and Windows |
3 |
6199 |
Sat, 13 March 2010 08:34 By: BlackSwan  |
which listener is needed to access ASM database oracle 11.2.0 red hat linux 5.4 |
5 |
7056 |
Sat, 13 March 2010 07:07 By: John Watson  |
setup connect-time failover Oracle 10gR2 , Red Hat Linux 4. By: jxh461 on Fri, 05 March 2010 |
7 |
11970 |
Fri, 12 March 2010 21:51 By: jxh461  |
create DATABASE LINK Oracle on HP-UX |
14 |
15543 |
Fri, 12 March 2010 12:50 By: Ricky_1362002  |
setting Default Listener oracle 11.2.0 red hat linux 5.4 |
8 |
9290 |
Fri, 12 March 2010 07:01 By: John Watson  |
TNS Adopter Protocol error windows oracle |
0 |
11754 |
Wed, 10 March 2010 04:58 By: joydeep.mitra  |
ORA-01741: illegal zero-length identifier for DBlink 10g |
1 |
10897 |
Sun, 07 March 2010 23:21 By: Michel Cadot  |
how to set orale Gateways 11g for mssql |
1 |
6960 |
Wed, 24 February 2010 05:39 By: tahpush  |
ora-01033: Oracle initialization or shutdown in progress Oracle 10g |
2 |
9289 |
Wed, 24 February 2010 03:48 By: monasingh  |
ORA-12560 Protocol Adapter error Client EM By: chekov on Tue, 16 February 2010 |
7 |
14555 |
Wed, 17 February 2010 06:46 By: ramoradba  |
Database link is not working (merged by CM) Windows XP |
3 |
7466 |
Tue, 16 February 2010 21:50 By: ramoradba  |
Ora-12546 Tns Permission Failed Oracle 10g By: mamalik on Mon, 15 February 2010 |
6 |
14676 |
Mon, 15 February 2010 23:22 By: ramoradba  |
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name ( 1 2) By: mouar on Thu, 18 December 2003 |
55 |
123047 |
Thu, 11 February 2010 03:21 By: heme  |
ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor |
4 |
12701 |
Wed, 10 February 2010 05:45 By: kia_s_ce  |
ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out Oracle Rdbms,, Linux x86_64 |
0 |
15972 |
Tue, 09 February 2010 14:07 By: pndeshpande  |
Reading XML File from Mailbox |
0 |
11615 |
Thu, 04 February 2010 06:46 By: balakrishna2mail  |
Accessing/Link Database 9i |
4 |
8240 |
Sat, 30 January 2010 04:33 By: shahzad-ul-hasan  |
Onames Service Oracle 9i DBMS, OEL4 |
2 |
7170 |
Thu, 28 January 2010 22:21 By: smunir362  |
Dispatcher Process constantly taking 98% CPU Oracle on HP-UX |
0 |
14786 |
Tue, 26 January 2010 05:28 By: chetanaZ  |
Why I get ORA-01017 error with this database link? |
16 |
18879 |
Wed, 20 January 2010 07:48 By: Michel Cadot  |
i m not seeing ant listener.ora oracle,Redhat Linux 4 |
3 |
6385 |
Tue, 19 January 2010 07:17 By: Michel Cadot  |
oracle connect with sqlserver database oracle,Redhat Linux 4 |
2 |
6391 |
Tue, 19 January 2010 05:08 By: Littlefoot  |
Accessing a remote database |
9 |
7378 |
Sat, 16 January 2010 07:52 By: Michel Cadot  |
TOAD with ORA-12154: Error |
3 |
31102 |
Thu, 14 January 2010 12:01 By: hekzen  |
opitsk: network error occurred while two-task server trying to send break; error |
3 |
37741 |
Tue, 12 January 2010 01:27 By: Michel Cadot  |
ORA-12569: TNS:packet checksum failure |
2 |
43915 |
Thu, 07 January 2010 16:34 By: indy_gal  |
ORA-12154 Error Oracle on Windows |
3 |
9678 |
Thu, 24 December 2009 06:28 By: chetanaZ  |
Specifying RAC in SQL*Net V2 connection string |
0 |
11833 |
Wed, 16 December 2009 16:31 By: tonality  |
listener oracle 10.2 |
3 |
6481 |
Wed, 16 December 2009 11:16 By: BlackSwan  |
TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed |
5 |
10017 |
Mon, 07 December 2009 01:28 By: Michel Cadot  |
Net Configuration Assistant not running as normal user Oracle database, 10g rel2, Windows server 2003 |
3 |
7635 |
Mon, 07 December 2009 01:25 By: nets_edge@cox.net  |
Oracle behind a firewall Oracle 10G Window By: dailo on Fri, 04 December 2009 |
2 |
6417 |
Fri, 04 December 2009 19:11 By: dailo  |
listener not started after upgrading to oracle 10g + windows By: gir_sat on Thu, 03 December 2009 |
2 |
6586 |
Thu, 03 December 2009 10:50 By: BlackSwan  |
Changing Gateways in Oracle RAC 10g R2 |
1 |
5502 |
Mon, 16 November 2009 07:37 By: babuknb  |
Cannot start Listener Linux, Oracle11g By: mlee733 on Thu, 05 November 2009 |
16 |
24196 |
Wed, 11 November 2009 14:16 By: BlackSwan  |
TNS Names Oracle 10g ,OS Windows server 2003 By: goms on Mon, 09 November 2009 |
1 |
5318 |
Tue, 10 November 2009 04:46 By: ramoradba  |