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Maximum DBLink Connection database, |
4 |
8853 |
Wed, 22 April 2009 03:36 By: babuknb  |
tnsping works fine but sqlplus only works if current directory is $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin |
1 |
7843 |
Tue, 21 April 2009 10:09 By: BlackSwan  |
User Disconnected after 5min (merged) |
2 |
5541 |
Wed, 15 April 2009 07:03 By: knight  |
ORA-28500 Error By: gajini on Wed, 15 April 2009 |
1 |
6974 |
Wed, 15 April 2009 06:18 By: babuknb  |
parsing tnsnames.ora |
2 |
7373 |
Tue, 14 April 2009 09:53 By: BlackSwan  |
Access control Oracle - Linux |
8 |
8416 |
Tue, 14 April 2009 07:55 By: danyromimd  |
Weird internet connection By: Celia1 on Wed, 08 April 2009 |
1 |
5532 |
Wed, 08 April 2009 07:09 By: babuknb  |
listener stopped suddenly 10g RAC ,solaris By: knight on Fri, 03 April 2009 |
7 |
9465 |
Mon, 06 April 2009 07:49 By: babuknb  |
Listener intermittently drops Oracle 10g,, Windows XP |
6 |
9535 |
Wed, 01 April 2009 01:20 By: brent33  |
oracle listener problem TNS12518 oracle windows server 2003 sp2 |
1 |
7168 |
Sun, 29 March 2009 12:01 By: BlackSwan  |
ora-12012 &ora-06556 & ora-06512 windows server 2003 oracle |
1 |
7474 |
Wed, 25 March 2009 09:27 By: BlackSwan  |
Report Builder |
1 |
6898 |
Tue, 24 March 2009 15:29 By: BlackSwan  |
Listener couldn't start correctly (merged) |
7 |
8541 |
Thu, 19 March 2009 09:31 By: babuknb  |
Listener down on one node Oracle , Linux AS4 |
7 |
16764 |
Wed, 18 March 2009 18:08 By: Mahesh Rajendran  |
db links not working 9i oracle on 8 solaris By: mfergi on Tue, 03 March 2009 |
8 |
12310 |
Thu, 12 March 2009 10:50 By: BlackSwan  |
TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136) |
1 |
7861 |
Thu, 12 March 2009 10:23 By: Michel Cadot  |
Listener issue on Windows 10g,, Windows XP |
5 |
6405 |
Tue, 10 March 2009 09:50 By: BlackSwan  |
Listener service on Windows 10g R1, win XP |
2 |
5759 |
Tue, 10 March 2009 07:37 By: ramoradba  |
Listener wouldn't start though correctly defined in LISTENER.ORA Oracle Apps, DB on Solaris 10 By: _X_S_ on Wed, 04 March 2009 |
13 |
13188 |
Thu, 05 March 2009 07:37 By: _X_S_  |
TNS-12547: TNS:lost contact when using Microsoft loopback adapter oracle for x86 on windows xp sp3 By: pratmh on Sun, 01 March 2009 |
9 |
17726 |
Tue, 03 March 2009 12:36 By: BlackSwan  |
got the TNS-03505. but all the configuration is OK, Oracle 10.2.0 RHEL5 |
5 |
10200 |
Mon, 02 March 2009 02:53 By: Michel Cadot  |
Oracle DB connection to iHistorian Oracle DB 11g, Database Gateway 11.1, Microsoft Windows XP |
1 |
8041 |
Fri, 27 February 2009 09:41 By: BlackSwan  |
Connect Two Oracle server in one client Oracle 9i, Linux (Server), Windows XP (Cllent) |
6 |
9027 |
Wed, 25 February 2009 00:50 By: aviva4500  |
Application Server Network Disconnected oracle9i,windows 2003 |
1 |
6241 |
Tue, 24 February 2009 01:14 By: BlackSwan  |
enable encrypted password on listener.ora |
1 |
5350 |
Mon, 23 February 2009 11:16 By: Michel Cadot  |
sqlnet.recv_timeout parameter oracle on hp-ux pa-risc 64 bit |
4 |
12223 |
Thu, 19 February 2009 07:59 By: babuknb  |
Extra characters in my column Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release |
1 |
6119 |
Thu, 19 February 2009 05:50 By: babuknb  |
ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error Forms 6i (Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)), Oracle 9i(Release |
2 |
7901 |
Thu, 19 February 2009 05:26 By: babuknb  |
Connecting ORacle application (forms 6i on Oracle 9i) thro internet. Oracle forms 6i on Oracle 9i on Linux RHEL 4.0 By: grams on Fri, 13 February 2009 |
1 |
7010 |
Thu, 19 February 2009 05:25 By: babuknb  |
sqlplus /as sysdba, connected to idle instance ... other users work 10g, sles 9 By: dirkm on Wed, 18 February 2009 |
8 |
21370 |
Wed, 18 February 2009 10:30 By: BlackSwan  |
Putty to establish a tunnel for Oracle Putty release 0.58, Oracle 10g |
2 |
7464 |
Mon, 16 February 2009 23:07 By: ora_2007  |
LISTENER Oracl1 10g By: AviatoR on Fri, 13 February 2009 |
4 |
6771 |
Fri, 13 February 2009 01:28 By: AviatoR  |
Whether the Database client should be installed in the server (Unix box)? Oracle 10g |
1 |
5647 |
Tue, 10 February 2009 06:20 By: Michel Cadot  |
4 types of connection errors By: aviana on Tue, 11 September 2007 |
5 |
11128 |
Fri, 06 February 2009 01:50 By: ramoradba  |
Oracle Virtual Directory - Net Service Name Resolution By: dharry on Wed, 04 February 2009 |
0 |
12733 |
Wed, 04 February 2009 11:06 By: dharry  |
wanting another user to manage lsnrctl |
1 |
5555 |
Thu, 29 January 2009 05:23 By: Michel Cadot  |
ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect |
8 |
32700 |
Sun, 25 January 2009 12:55 By: BlackSwan  |
shared server configuration HP UX pa risc 64 bit |
15 |
12945 |
Sun, 25 January 2009 05:20 By: seema.taunk  |
SQL NET LOG Oracle 10g, Windows Server 2003 64bit |
7 |
21090 |
Sat, 17 January 2009 09:13 By: Michel Cadot  |
TNS-12518 and patch application (merged) |
14 |
16459 |
Sat, 17 January 2009 01:17 By: Michel Cadot  |