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c.d.o.server: by subject
- .NET and SQL developers required
- APOLOGY for spam (ANOUNCEMENT: zsplit, unzsplit: free linux tools....)
- archive gap resolution in 9.2
- Auditing / tracing Oracle environment...
- backup
- bmc patrol express
- Consistent reads against a heavily updated table (snapshot)
- Data Guard question
- Db2, Oracle, SQL Server
- dbms_stats vs analyze
- difficult RMAN archivelog requirements
- Free Oracle Schema Documentation Tool
- Help ! - How to resync sequence numbers to a table (Oracle)
- How to format time invervals?
- How to manually insert a binary file in a blob field
- HP-UX PA-RISC (64 bit)
- insert into local table user select from remote db
- Is anyone else using 9i RAC on HP-UX ???
- iSqlPlus / Oracle 10g / Win2K
- Job starting problem
- Latest Date..
- migrating ora 8.1.6 to 10g
- number of blocks reads in FTS
- Oracle Transparent Gateways versus Generic Connectivity
- oracle xml / advice required
- Oracle9i binary compatability between AIX & Solaris
- os backup
- Problem while installing Oracle Mobile Server
- RAC vs. J2EE
- redhat linux ia64 rman backup : is it possible?
- Revoke Create and Alter Table
- sppurge (Statspack Purge) does not seem to free up space
- standby db
- variable binding in DDL statements problem
- Last message date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 08:24:53 CST
- Archived on: Tue Mar 01 2005 - 01:02:03 CST