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Fatal NI connect error 12170. 11g,, AIX |
5 |
8154 |
Tue, 03 November 2015 00:10 By: Michel Cadot  |
12.1 to 9.2 database link DB and |
0 |
5553 |
Fri, 30 October 2015 02:43 By: John Watson  |
Oracle LDAP connection fails over SSL with wallet Oracle 12c SE1, Red Hat 6.5 |
21 |
20616 |
Tue, 08 September 2015 12:08 By: frankntx  |
TNS adapter error Windows Pro 7, Oracle XE |
20 |
9355 |
Thu, 13 August 2015 18:29 By: BlackSwan  |
ORA-12170 TNS: Time-out of connection Oracle 11.2 Windows |
12 |
11597 |
Thu, 23 July 2015 10:41 By: John Watson  |
Dedicated servers and "handoff" Oracle Net |
6 |
6094 |
Wed, 22 July 2015 07:28 By: Michel Cadot  |
Listener not working after changing IP Address windows 2012, oracle 12c |
2 |
5560 |
Thu, 04 June 2015 06:10 By: muktha_22  |
Network disconnection 12c |
2 |
5024 |
Thu, 21 May 2015 09:04 By: BlackSwan  |
One to Many 11.5.10 |
3 |
5015 |
Wed, 29 April 2015 05:20 By: gazzag  |
0 |
6829 |
Thu, 16 April 2015 05:09 By: John Watson  |
moving table by using db links 11.2.o.3, Linux |
6 |
7395 |
Sat, 11 April 2015 07:27 By: Michel Cadot  |
Not able to login Oracle 12c, Windows |
2 |
6214 |
Sat, 21 March 2015 12:20 By: nmdivya@gmail.com  |
Resource leak problem Oracle Database standart edition one, x64 |
13 |
10872 |
Mon, 16 March 2015 12:10 By: bna2015  |
Intermittent Oracle connection issue |
1 |
6361 |
Wed, 04 March 2015 21:04 By: BlackSwan  |
OID for Oracle TNSNAMES.ora OID for Oracle TNSNAMES.ora |
2 |
5071 |
Tue, 17 February 2015 10:32 By: John Watson  |
ORA-28511: lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using ORACLE 11G,linux |
1 |
16212 |
Wed, 11 February 2015 04:56 By: gazzag  |
The application not reading the data fast enough SE, SLES SP3 |
0 |
5965 |
Tue, 10 February 2015 21:23 By: juniordbanewbie  |
ORA: 24324 encountered on client installed on vmWare Citrix servers Oracle Client, 11g, Windows Server 2003 R2 |
0 |
8215 |
Sun, 04 January 2015 23:11 By: desaiardeshir  |
Unable to connect to database through client 11g,, Window server 2008 |
14 |
17233 |
Tue, 30 December 2014 05:53 By: Michel Cadot  |
ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out oracle 12c - Windows server 2012 |
6 |
11279 |
Wed, 24 December 2014 08:18 By: BlackSwan  |
Oracle and SQLServer DB Link Oracle11.2 |
3 |
6807 |
Mon, 24 November 2014 02:13 By: John Watson  |
Gateway to Sybase on UNIX possible? Sybase UNIX By: Sweat on Thu, 06 November 2014 |
2 |
6058 |
Tue, 11 November 2014 07:00 By: ThomasG  |
ODBC Gateway v. SQL Server Gateway DB 12.x |
0 |
5121 |
Mon, 03 November 2014 13:41 By: John Watson  |
hanging problem 10g , develper 6i |
4 |
5325 |
Wed, 10 September 2014 07:30 By: emadnabil  |
Fatal NI connect error 12638, connecting to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release, Windows 2003 |
5 |
20478 |
Wed, 03 September 2014 04:36 By: Michel Cadot  |
How to connect to Server Database using front end application over internet ORACLE 10G By: jgjeetu on Tue, 02 September 2014 |
3 |
6572 |
Tue, 02 September 2014 08:08 By: BlackSwan  |
insert into oracle_table (column1) select column1 from ms_sql_table Oracle |
17 |
12227 |
Tue, 19 August 2014 12:59 By: EdStevens  |
SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(NTS,NONE) oracle 12c - Windows server 2012 |
0 |
5617 |
Wed, 13 August 2014 01:22 By: muktha_22  |
Failed to connect to database instance Oracle , Linux 2.6 |
14 |
13757 |
Thu, 07 August 2014 03:18 By: ora_2014  |
Listener response to a TNS ping Oracle , linux 2.6 |
16 |
14363 |
Tue, 05 August 2014 08:50 By: Michel Cadot  |
"//localhost/testdb" in tnsnames.ora By: PMSLIC on Thu, 24 July 2014 |
2 |
5889 |
Thu, 24 July 2014 20:15 By: BlackSwan  |
Listener status Oracle , SunOS 5.10 |
9 |
7198 |
Thu, 24 July 2014 20:13 By: BlackSwan  |
" Tracing not turned on" SQLNET.ora, x86-64, redhat release 5.8 |
7 |
14378 |
Thu, 17 July 2014 04:18 By: sahadba  |
Unable to start listener Oracle 11g Release, RHEL 5.0 ( 1 2) By: jxh461 on Tue, 01 March 2011 |
68 |
43723 |
Sun, 13 July 2014 00:53 By: Michel Cadot  |
Not able to connect with database oracle sql developer |
9 |
7938 |
Fri, 11 July 2014 08:55 By: BlackSwan  |
ORA-12154 error coming while loading forms in browser OS is Windows 7 Forms & Report:- Database is Express Edition 11G |
2 |
6522 |
Fri, 11 July 2014 04:43 By: Littlefoot  |
Transparent Gateways or Heterogeneous Services (Oracle to SQL Server)? SQL Server 2008 on windows2008 server, Oracle 11g R2 on linux |
4 |
8127 |
Tue, 08 July 2014 11:56 By: chetankumar  |
How to configure MGW to specific MQ. Oracle 11g |
3 |
6577 |
Mon, 09 June 2014 07:13 By: Lalit Kumar B  |
TNS No Such Protocol adaptor Ora- 12222 and Unable to connect oracle Oracle 11g, Sun OS 5.10 By: Jack14 on Fri, 06 June 2014 |
9 |
9413 |
Sat, 07 June 2014 00:56 By: Michel Cadot  |
Problem with No TNS Listener error 11g |
2 |
5300 |
Mon, 02 June 2014 17:51 By: BlackSwan  |