Re: Terrible Technical Support

From: Contractor - Yuk Hon <>
Date: 1995/08/04
Message-ID: <3vto6j$>#1/1

F.Frederick Skitty ( wrote:
: In article: <3vm21i$> (Patrick
: Elliott) writes:
: [snip]
: > We can't afford such slow response to an emergency. I know we only have
: > bronze support, but this is ridiculous

: You pays your money, you takes your choice.

: If you can't afford such slow response then why don't you pay for the level
: of support you need, i.e. gold ?

: --
: | =%^)
: Hit them in the face, with a Funky Bass, For a Happy Smiling race.

Unfortunate as it is, paying the big $$$'s and getting gold support makes a world of difference. I've been at various client sites and have had experience in interfacing with bronze, silver, and gold support procedures and personnel, and it really is worth the price, esp when you consider the lost time just waiting or talking with some support newbie whose learning the ropes on the bronze phone lines. Oracle support *can* be top notch, but you got to be willing to pay for it.

Johnny Chan
Independent Oracle Specialist Received on Fri Aug 04 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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