Re: Oracle on Linux. I need the required SCO files.

From: Daniel Lundin <>
Date: 1997/04/15
Message-ID: <>#1/1

> Presumably you paid a large chunk of money for Oracle. After all, it's
> a commercial product. Given that, I would think it's Oracle's
> responsibility to provide everything you need to install it.

I didn't buy Oracle myself as I'm investigating the possibilities for a client wether Linux is a suitable Oracle platform or not. My client did of course pay for it, and as you put it it _should_ be Oracle's responsibility to support it on Linux, but they don't. If anyone has a good answer to why on earth they don't support it, please tell me. Maybe someone at Oracle has some answers? It's a trivial thing to make the SCO Oracle version run on Linux, so why not make a commercial distribution out of it? There must be more people like my client who would like to run Oracle on Linux if Oracle supported it (And yes, I know about the other RDBMS alternatives than Oracle).

>If you *didn't* buy it, but stole it (those are the only >possibilities),then you deserve every bit of trouble you are having. >Sorry about that.

If one has stolen an Oracle product, which is pretty much pointless without support and upgrades, he'd be one stupid *INSERT SUITABLE WORD HERE* posting on about it, right? Jeez....

/Daniel Received on Tue Apr 15 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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