PL/SQL subprogram arguments in numerical order

From: Piero Stanchi <>
Date: 1996/05/10
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Hi everybody,
is there a way in pl/sql to access subprogram arguments in numerical order (e.g. argv(1), argv(2),...)? Is the manual creation of a few pl/sql tables (one for each argument type) the only way? Is there an oracle table where the arguments of each stored subprogram may be accessed (e.g. with something like:

    for i in (

        select ARG_NAME from all_procs where PROC_NAME = 'my_proc'     ) loop

  • print i.ARG_NAME end loop; )? -- Piero Dig Stanchi --- Ariadne S.r.l. E-mail: Web: Phone&Fax: +39 382 407538/407225 Postal mail: Via Campeggi 13 - 27020 Casottole di Torre d'Isola (PV) - Italy
Received on Fri May 10 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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