Re: SQL*Net 2.1 Windows 3.1 and 95 performance question.?

From: Chris Kasten <>
Date: 1995/11/13
Message-ID: <4887b6$>#1/1 (Michael Huneycutt) wrote:

> Is there a way to prevent SQL*Net 2.1/2.2 from locking my machine while it
> is going a query to the database. I am running Windows 95 and when I do a
> select from a large table using sqlplus 3.1 I cannot access anything else
> until the query is finished and starts returning data. So if I wanted to
> edit a word document while the query is running I cannot. This also happens
> under Windows 3.1. Is there a parameter the will stop this, it makes it
> difficult to multitask.

Pain in the rear, isn't it? Here's a couple of ideas that have worked

for me in the past.

In win3.1x or win95: Write the queries to a SQL file. Start SQL+, and type _at_filename.sql. As the file is being read in (scrolling by) alt-tab the heck out of there. This assumes the script file is more than 3 lines however...

In win95: Sometimes I had luck with clicking on the start bar. For whatever reason *sometimes* it would become the foreground process. Perhaps it is really 32 bit? Don't know, but like I say its worth trying...

HTH, Received on Mon Nov 13 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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