Re: oraperl, os2 and oracle 7

From: <>
Date: 4 Jan 1995 11:11:28 GMT
Message-ID: <3edvp0$>

In <>, (Dhawal Tyagi) writes:
>In article <3e34u0$>, (Eric
>Pierce) wrote:
>> If anybody is still paying attention to this thread:
>> An Oracle sales guy told an Oracle User Group meeting a month ago
>> that OS/2 PM (the "native OS/2 GUI") is !NOT! going to be a supported
>> CDE2 (Forms 4.5, CASE, etc.) platform!
>Is there any Oracle phone # where I can call and tell them to drop
>the stupid and junk MS-Windows platform instead.
>I don't think that I can go to a User group meeting.
>Is there anyone responsible in Oracle reading this ? If you can
>support plain text based tools in CDE 4.5, why can't you support
>OS/2 (Oracle sucks when it says that it wants me to use Windows
>instead of OS/2, are there no intelligent and sensible engineers
>in Oracle, or is Microsoft having some say in Oracle ? :-( )

Oracle is in bed with Microsoft and about to abandon everything else but Windows with respect to their CASE and CDE ! Just take a look at Oracle's WWW-homepage and you'll see an advertisement for Oracle NT (that product seems to desperately need as much advertisement as possible, in order to get sold :-) ! ).

That company became big by supporting all their products on all important platforms (and I think this has been their critical success factor). Obviously, they are not able (and not ready nor willing) to support all platforms anymore, but Windows.

If you didn't know, their lead-designer for CASE (Richard Barker) left Oracle almost a year ago and there has been a rather big turmoil going on with respect to CASE and CDE. Reportedly, a "wunderwuzzi" took over and declared Windows to be the only strategic platform worth being developed for.

Guess what, they chose MFC and are heavily locked into MS-technology. They cannot move to any other platform, as long as MS does not port their MFC to that platform. No options left for them (like the superior OpenDoc, SOM, etc.) as long as they dig in to MFC. This is a *strategic* move, but the worst possible for a company like Oracle, IMHO.

The database product itself is still being supported on all major platforms, including 32-Bit-Versions of OS/2. (No MS foundation classes involved here :-) ).

Sad, but true. Anyone correct me, if I am wrong.

---rony Received on Wed Jan 04 1995 - 12:11:28 CET

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