How to create a table in PL/SQL?

From: Byron Warner <>
Date: 10 May 1994 14:12:15 -0400
Message-ID: <2qoipv$>

When I try to use create in a SQL*Forms procedure I get this message:

 PL/SQL error 103 at line 9, column 7:                                       
     Encountered the symbol "CREATE" which is an unsupported reserved word.

Does anyone know why?

I was stuffing the string #in(1,2,3,.. ) into a field during a PRE-QUERY trigger, but this blows up if the string is to long, so I decided to put the keys into a temporary table and put the string #in(select * from <table> into the key field instead, but I can not create a temporary table.

Byron F. Warner                        | Phone: (404)953-4531
College of Computing                   | Internet:
Georgia Institute of Technology        | Atlanta Georgia, 30332
"The opinions expressed here should be yours too!"
Received on Tue May 10 1994 - 20:12:15 CEST

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