Re: SQL*Plus replacement available - SPAM SPAM SPAM

From: Paul <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 19:32:11 +0100
Message-ID: <> says...

> And anytime this group disagrees with me ... I will start posting
> advertisements for everything I do of a 'non-commercial' nature
> right here. And so will everyone else. And the amount of useful
> technical discourse will decrease to near zero.

[Quoted] [Quoted] Maybe there's a case to have a new group (thirdpartytools) with a charter explicitly stating that it's the *_only_* group for 3rd party tools and that it is explicitly forbidden to post anywhere other than in 3rdparty.

Also, maybe marketplace should be renamed jobs or roles or something, since AFAICS, the vast majority of posts there are for jobs.



p.s. I agree with your campaign, but sometimes one is just fighting a losing battle with ignorance - better perhaps just one post saying that this is not the forum and that if the OP doesn't cease and desist and move their posts to 3rdparty they will be killfiled. The reason that I suggest this is that your valuable time is being wasted on these losers, rather than doing what you do best - helping with Oracle.

p.p.s. Does Oracle have its own newsgroups? Borland has a series of newsgroups hosted on its servers, moderated by TeamB'ers (like MVP's?), and the signal to noise is very high, with very high quality responses, and it is not simply a slave to Borland. The moderaters can cancel spams, but they have a 3rdparty group for such offerings.

plinehan  y_a_h_o_o  and d_o_t  com
C++ Builder 5 SP1, Interbase IBX 5.04 W2K Pro
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Received on Fri Jun 04 2004 - 20:32:11 CEST

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