Re: SQL*Plus replacement available - SPAM SPAM SPAM

From: <>
Date: 3 Jun 2004 02:35:23 -0700
Message-ID: <>

In article <1086241236.262826_at_yasure>, Daniel Morgan says...
>> Why not?
>> People off free advice here, and that's OK. People offer free scripts,
>> here and that's OK. But if some one offers a free tool that's evil?
>> Why?
>Because it is a product. Advice is not a product. Scripts are not a

Think of a tool as an advanced form of script. That will put your mind at ease.

>And the advice we offer and the scripts we provide are in
>response to legitimate questions from members of the Oracle community
>asking for advice to help them with education or employment challenges.

And I made the tool in response to legitimate complaints about the lack of "up arrow support" in SQL*Plus for example: And many others.

>>>It really belongs in the c.d.o.marketplace group.
>> Why? I have nothing to market.
>Yes you do.

No I don't.

>And your refusal to recognize that makes you, in my mind,
>far to challenged an individual to have ever written a 'useful tool'.
>>>This is not
>> But this is isn't it?
>I have dealt with 10 year old children asked to clean their room
>reacting this way to guidance. This is hardly the kind of discourse
>I would have expected from someone I presume to be an adult.
>Which part of we don't want you violating our charter

What part of "no I am not" don't you understand?

>and posting
>this type of message here is too difficult for you to comprehend?
> And by the way I am
>> not just offering a beta for free. The program will be free even when
>> it gets out of beta.
>I don't really care if you paid each and every one of us $1000 US to
>test the software for 10 minutes. It is still a product promotion and
>we don't want it here.

You are not an elected representative of this newsgroup, and I don't care if you call it a "product promotion". Fact is, plenty of people downloaded and are using a free product which they wouldn't have if they never heard of it. Just because you are anti-product doesn't mean they should not get a free product that helps them.

>>>And we post these replies not to make you mad, but to make you learn.
>> And what exactly am I supposed to learn? That making a free tool and
>> giving it to people is evil? It is evil to tell anyone about this tool
>> you made?
>No. That we would appreciate it if you said the following:
>"Please accept my sincere apology for posting in the wrong forum. I
>am sorry if I offended anyone and will repost my offer at

And I would appreciate it if you said the following: "Gee I realized I really don't understand what the charter is, and I realize this tool is useful to a lot of people, and it does make sense to discuss it here."

>So I will now put to you the challenge I have put to every other
>self-righteous spammer. And not one of you has ever had responded.
>What is it about posting your message at c.d.o.marketplace that
>causes a problem as opposed to posting it here where it isn't wanted?

And I will respond: (1) I have nothing to market. This will be a free too even when it comes out of beta. (2) I would like to discuss the tool -- whether it meets your needs, what other features can I add so that it will be even more useful, etc. This newsgroup's charter is to discuss tools.

>The truth is that you have every intention of making a buck off your
>work, you are disingenuous not to admit it,

Why are you so terrified about the possibility that I might make a buck off my work? Like I said, the program will continue to be free when it comes out of beta. I will add features people want and they will get a useful program for free. Just because you are terrified of the prospect that I might make a buck shouldn't mean that no one should get a free tool and get their favorite features added for free.

>and you think that by
>posting in c.d.o.marketplace not as many people will see your P/R.
>Be prepard for the fact that everything you post to one of these
>groups, from this day forward, will be labelled spam.

Won't bother me. There are plenty of weirdos in this world. I will ignore your posts.

>So either play by the rules or leave.

You go read the charter again, and if you don't want to discuss tools I suggest you spend your time in some other newsgroup. Received on Thu Jun 03 2004 - 11:35:23 CEST

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