Re: cross-posting is ok! just how you do it and how ya read NGs was Re: Any good Oracle related message boards out there?

From: Pablo Sanchez <pablo_at_dev.null>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:11:57 -0600
Message-ID: <Xns932D9A9DDF9BEpingottpingottbah_at_216.166.71.233>

Sybrand Bakker <> wrote in

> On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 14:09:48 -0600, Pablo Sanchez <pablo_at_dev.null>
> wrote:

>>Either get a real news reader or learn how to use it and quit
>>whining.  Certainly you who advocates that people read the docs can
>>RTFM on your news reader.

> Apparently you belong to the class of newsgroup readers for which it
> is beyond their dignity to respond to FAQ requests.

Nonsense, it's your request and you don't like being called a whiner. Deal with it.

> Instead you promote messing up the newsgroup even further,

Again nonsense as cross-postings don't do that. Fools who don't know how to use a news reader, use a lame news reader or call google groups their news reader are the ones who can't deal.

> ignoring there are mechanisms (including the Google website, AFAIK)
> where crossposts are by design not detected.

Since when is google website considered a news reader? If that's your definition of a news reader you're in sad shape.

> A comment about 'whining' would only be
> justified if you did take up your fair share of the burden, which
> you obviously don't plan to do.

My fair share is:

  1. I don't whine about it
  2. I use a real news reader

> It might occur to you to for crosspost to be detected headers need
> to be read by the newsreader.

If you're concerned about bandwidth you're sniffing up the wrong tree wrt to NG headers. You're better off talking to folks who insist on following up posts by copying the entire post and adding two or three lines. That's if you're concerened about it.

> In Europe local phone calls are not for free.

And? What does it take to download 100 bytes? Yes, that's bytes. If you were really after bandwidth, you wouldn't be hunting down 100 bytes. Silly.

> So you'd rather stop ranting.

Should I call you the pot or the kettle?

Pablo Sanchez, High-Performance Database Engineering
Received on Tue Feb 25 2003 - 23:11:57 CET

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