switching of database

From: Sender <sender_at_happy.net>
Date: 2000/07/13
Message-ID: <396d17bb_at_newsgate.imsbiz.com>#1/1

[Quoted] [Quoted] Our users have to access 2 databases, one for production and another for [Quoted] testing. Since the database name and client software path have to be [Quoted] specified in the windows registry, we provide them with two icons and use [Quoted] batch file to execute regedit to switch between the two environments. [Quoted] Recently, auditor request us to disable registry editing (we use windows nt [Quoted] v4.0 workstation). I like to know is the database switching method we use [Quoted] the right way to do? If not, what method do you use? Received on Thu Jul 13 2000 - 00:00:00 CEST

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