What should I do to this error FRM-40034?

From: Rich Tsui <tsui_at_cbmi.upmc.edu>
Date: 1997/12/05
Message-ID: <348861F1.80970029_at_cbmi.upmc.edu>#1/1


[Quoted] [Quoted]    I am new to developer2K. After I installed the Developer2K and ran the demo program,
[Quoted] I got the error mesage, "FRM-40034: cannot attach the library file."

  Could someone out there kindly tell me which file I need to attach and how to attach it in
order to make the demo program to run?

  Thank you for your time.

Happy Holidays....

Rich Tsui
University of Pittsburgh Received on Fri Dec 05 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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