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Patch 9.2.07 for Linux

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 03:38:50 +0000
Message-Id: <>

I have just been hit by the bug 3083560 which will be fixed in Oracle, if Oracle support is to be believed (and frequently, it is not). There was also a debate about the qualities of Linux, despite its apparent shortcomings (no streams, no reliable printing - CUPS is a joke, tuning kernel is a black art, not supported by books similar to the Adrian Cockroft's, variables like like freelim, freegoal, borrowlim and growlim don't exist and many other little things that I am reluctant to start explaining to Linux aficionados) in which I mentioned the qualities of Linux. I don't know who's fooling who, but Oracle is using Linux users as free beta testers. Support sucks. I received a confidential email in June, informing me that for Linux is "packaged and almost ready to ship". The person who wrote that email, a member of this list, lied shamelessly. Patch was released for Solaris and Windows, both 32-bit, and for no other platform. The patchset was released on 7/21/05. What is the deal with the other platforms? Is Oracle Corp. development too incompetent to synchronize important patchsets? Do they need us to do some QA? WTF is going on? I am really ticked off now that I've been awaken for the n-th time because of the wondrous software quality of Oracle 9.2. Does anybody really know when Oracle plans to release this patchset? What will it take to persuade them? The quality of the software recently produced by the Oracle Corp. is beneath contempt, probably as a result of outsourcing to Elbonia. There used to be Oracle person which participated in this list, Peter Sharman, but he is not participating for a very long time. There are also few members of this list which participate as private persons, under various nicknames. Is there anybody from Oracle to address this outrage and tell us about the plans for making Oracle 9.2 as reliable as beta version of 7.3 used to be? Such haughty and condescending behavior used to be practiced by DEC. One of the companies that I used to work for switched to PostgresSQL (Wang Trading). At the time, I thought that Oracle is worth sticking with. Now, I am no longer that convinced. I believe its the time to start learning MySQL. Oracle will inevitably go down if it continues behaving like this. The mighty have fallen before. It seems to stimulate evolution. What Oracle needs is a dose of intelligent design.


Mladen Gogala

-- Received on Mon Aug 22 2005 - 22:40:50 CDT

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