Re: Deadlock and ORA-0600 ocurred yesterday
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 20:53:36 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Trust the query for what? Deadlocks leave trace files. Get someone to
send you the trace file and the story is over. With the query below, you
will get the list of all tables modified within 6 PM and 7 PM today.
BTW, a good practice is to flush the monitoring info to the table, using
DBMS_STATS call. How will that help you with the deadlock? Another way
would be to query ASH (active session history) and find all sessions
with blocking id not null between 6 PM and 7 PM. All you need to locate
is a closed graph: A is waiting on B, B is waiting on C and C is waiting
on A. Every deadlock is a closed graph. That will give you SQL
statements involved and presumably help you to solve the problem. The
problem with deadlocks is that they are usually application logic
errors. It is not possible to have deadlock is all the applications lock
row in the tables in the same order. If all applications first lock
table A, then table B and then table C, there will be no deadlocks.
However, if some applications are locking tables in different orders,
you may encounter a deadlock.
On 03/24/2018 05:54 PM, Eriovaldo Andrietta wrote:
> Hi,
> There were a error ORA-0600 yesterday caused by a deadlock.
> I don´t have acesss to the alert of the database server.
> Can I trust on this query ?
> select table_name,inserts,updates,deletes,truncated,timestamp
> from dba_tab_modifications
> where timestamp > TO_DATE('23/03/2018 18:00:00','DD/MM/YYYY
> HH24:MI_SS')
> and timestamp < TO_DATE('23/03/2018 19:00:00','DD/MM/YYYY
> HH24:MI_SS')
> With this query I got a list of tables.
> Is there another way to know what is the table that were root cause of
> the error ?
> Great
> Eriovaldo
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
Received on Sun Mar 25 2018 - 01:53:36 CET