Michael Dinh

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Michael T. Dinh, Oracle DBA
Updated: 7 hours 33 min ago

The Ten Commandments of Mindfulness

Sun, 2024-11-17 10:53

Translated into English by Tam Lac Jessica A. Tran

1.      Yearn not for a body free of disease and suffering, because without going through pain and illness, sundry desires are easily awakened. 

2.      Wish not for a life free of mishaps and obstacles, because without them one tends to become arrogant and egotistic.

3.      Pray not for a quick shortcut regarding spiritual introspect, because without excruciating effort, one becomes short-learning. 

4.      Fear not the haunting disturbance of evil while accumulating spiritual strength, because without them one’s determination does not grow solid strong.

5.      Hope not for easy success in one’s work, because without difficulties and failures, one tends to undervalue others and become overly proud. 

6.      Build not relationships on selfish gain, because a relationship based on profit has lost its genuine meaning. 

7.      Look not for a universal consensus regarding one’s personal opinion, because complete adoption to a single opinion will render narrow mindedness.

8.      Expect not repayment or reward from others for one’s services, because calculation and expectation contradicts true service.

9.      Engage not irrationally into profitable attractions, because jumping too quickly into temptation may well blind wisdom.

10.  Stir not at being victim of injustice, because eagerness to clarify reputation belongs to an ego too attached to loose.

 These are the Buddha’s teachings:

–          Consider disease and suffering as medicines to the body

–          Use mishaps as a means of self-liberation

–          Treat obstacles as enjoyable challenges

–          Greet haunting spirits as good companions

–          Consider difficulties as life enjoyments

–          Thank bad friends as helping you in self-adjustment

–          View unpleasant dissidents as friendly entertainment

–          See favors as merely unimportant sandals plentiful to dispose

–          Take disinterest from temptation as an honourable achievement.

–          Employ injustice as entry doors to spiritual perfection.

To accept obstacles will bring wisdom, but to pray for wisdom will inevitably bring obstacles.  It was within all obstacles approaching that The Thus Comes One enlightened to the Ultimate Bodhi. He gladly instilled perfection to the Path of Enlightenment to all the people who wished to do harm to him, even the great ill seeker that was named Devadatta.  

Thus, does not the difficulty faced in life bring beneficial results, and could not the destruction and damage of others bring support to one’s achievements?

Today Buddhist practitioner, because they firstly fear to throw themselves into all types of obstacle, so when true obstacles come their way, they are too helpless to fend for themselves. The Absolute Dharma of nobility and superior ambition thus diminishes because of this pity, how regretful, how resentful!?

Reference https://www.buddhismtoday.com/viet/phatphap/10dieutamniem.htm

Thank You And Good Bye Again

Thu, 2024-06-06 18:54

Fill your mind with thoughts of peace, courage, and hope. – Dale Carnegie’s Golden Book.

Don’t Cheat Yourself

Sat, 2024-06-01 13:25

There was a reason why I am not active on Linkedin and now I know why – Join 50,000+ engineers and learn how to crush technical interviews.

You may know about Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and not be a good swimmer.

I was bold back in the days. Had technical with Yahoo and every answers for the question asked was not correct.

Finally, I replied with, “If you put me on the database and if I cannot solve it, then don’t hire me.”

The interviewers replied with, “You are doing well Michael and we wanted to understand your thought and troubleshooting process.”

Yes! I did get the offer but had already accepted another “=)

Oracle Tutorials And References

Sat, 2024-06-01 07:47


Thu, 2024-05-30 16:59

Love this song!

Patch Nomenclature for Oracle Products

Wed, 2024-05-29 00:12

Interim Patch:
A patch containing one or more fixes made available to customers who cannot wait until the next patch set or new product release to get a fix.

Bundle Patch (BP):
An iterative, cumulative patch that is issued between patch sets. Bundle patches usually include only fixes, but some may include minor enhancements.

Patch Set Update (PSU):
A quarterly patch that contains the most critical fixes for the applicable product, allowing customers to apply one patch to avoid many problems.
These will be documented in My Oracle Support documents and initially released from the Critical Patch Update program.

Security Patch Update (SPU):
An iterative, cumulative patch consisting of security fixes. Formerly known as Critical Patch Update.

Reference (Doc ID 1430923.1) retrieved on May 28, 2024


Thu, 2024-05-23 23:30

Imagine a manager complimenting you, “I sleep better knowing you are at the helm.”
I have been laid off three times in a row now.

The last 2 positions were given to me without any interviews because the managers knows me and my work ethics.

I found this on LinkedIn and is just bad ethics.


Thu, 2024-05-23 07:38

I have always said the best part of me is my spouse.

Always do your best because you do not know who is paying attention!

Don’t Know + Don’t Try = Don’t Care.

Remove the don’t and do your best!


Mon, 2024-05-20 17:45

What is the difference?

SRDC – Collect Data Guard Diagnostic Information (Doc ID 2219763.1)

Fri, 2024-05-17 07:47

Auto Collection Using TFA (Recommended)
Manual Collection Using Script for Unix

Note: Oracle support typically request TFA; however, some environment disable TFA due to resource.

This means manual collection is required.

Want To vs Have To

Tue, 2024-05-14 22:38

Of course, it’s better to have people act because they want to vs have to.

Like everything, it depends.

Going back to the team I led decades ago. When asked to perform a task, I would typically get the same set of volunteers. They are the ones I can always count on.

Unfortunately that’s not the case for my new team. It’s so quiet that one can hear a dog fart.

In a crisis situation, asking for volunteers is not ideal.

A lifeguard resuscitating a person would not shout, “Someone call 911!”

Instead, lifeguard will need to select a specific person.

You! What’s your name. Do you have a phone? If yes, call 911. This create accountability vs having everyone calling 911.

Know the situations!


Sun, 2024-05-05 20:21

Cleaning emails from a decade ago to find what I used to have as part of signature.

Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong – Peter T Mcintyre

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people – Eleanor Roosevelt


Fri, 2024-05-03 22:27

If I told you that I am timid, then would you believe me?

I was asked, “If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will?”

I was told by a dear departed friend, Jerry Roberts, to tell yourself, “Every day in every way, I get better and better.”

I was once complimented, “There is a fine line between confidence and cockiness and you walk that line well.”

Believe in yourself and the best you can be.


Fri, 2024-05-03 19:15


Thu, 2024-05-02 16:20

Good leadership is when people do things because they want to versus have to.

Recently, I was given a position as team lead and it seems I have fallen in the second position (have vs want).

Wondering if I need to make someone cry? Here’s the story for that.

I was promoted to lead at a young age at Puritan Bennet.

The company had 2 strikes with FDA.

Current team lead has made me aware of my short fuse.

First day as a lead, a manager tells me “One of your team member is crying in the corner.”

CRAP! I went to see her and ask what I did wrong.

I was not scolding nor yelling but rather spoke in a calm voice. She then tells me, “I can see the anger in your eyes.”

Thank God for remote work.

They are the best!

What is Success?

Wed, 2024-05-01 23:39

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

I actually have this in my photo album from decades ago.


Sat, 2024-04-20 08:14

Oracle Is Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Fri, 2024-04-19 22:26

Received email from Technical Lead | Senior Manager for the following errors.

Error Description: 0: Invalid pool name ‘oraclePool’ while getting a database connection.
Please check for consistency of the properties files or BPML
Time of Event: 20240419141429
Workflow Id: 88867

First inclination is to check Oracle database parameters (sessions and processes) which wasted time on a wild goose chase.

I am by no mean an expert but Google is your friend.

SI fails to startup with error: “Invalid pool name ‘NewPool_oraclePool’ while getting a database connection. Please check for consistency of the properties files or BPML” (SCI91968)

It puzzle me how a Technical Lead | Senior Manager does not know how to Google.

LMGTFY – Let Me Google That For You for all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than to Google it for themselves.

Oracle OEM Read Only Access

Sun, 2024-04-14 20:47

With great power comes great responsibility.

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/With_great_power_comes_great_responsibility

On boarding 4 Database Consultants and they have request access to OEM. Sharing SYSMAN password with every DBA is not a good idea and also difficult to determined who messed up.

Here are 2 articles and I favor Doc ID 2180307.1 based on last update and contains screenshots.

OEM 13c How To Create an Administrator with Read Only Access (Doc ID 2925232.1)
Enterprise Manager Base Platform – Version and later
Last Update: Feb 1, 2023

EM 13c : How to Create an EM Administrator with Read Only Access to the Performance Pages of a Database Target? (Doc ID 2180307.1)
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database – Version and later
Last Update: May 9, 2023

Would have been nice to have emcli script to do this but beggars cannot be choosers.
