Re: Proposal: 6NF

From: Cimode <>
Date: 17 Oct 2006 01:40:56 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Keith H Duggar wrote:

> Though I usually ignore you as being unworthy of refutation,
> you have now crossed over to misrepresentation. Provide a
> specific reference to me stating "that there may be a direct
> linear relationship between restriction of values and [wtf?]
> of operators when deriving one domain from another."
I simply synthetized what some of your publicly stated bullshits leads to. And now because I did you are getting back on your words

Commenting on Jan dellusions, you have clearly stated that

//Instead we could (as you said "[/]'s just not part of the integer algebra") leave the
algebras as one-sorted and define an injective mapping INT //

Whether two sorted or one sorted what would an injective mapping leads to except a direct linear relationship between restriction of values and operators in domain derivation? I should not be surprised you don't understand such simple correlation. You are the dummiest of all the Frauds...

> Be more careful in your tirades, little C'mode, so that you
> may avoid such social necessities as:
I do not expect fascists contemptuous overlords like you to worry about my *social necessities*, for whatever this fuzzy politically correct inspired concept might be. Go impress someone else...

> "I made a mistake. So?" -- Cimode
> "Made a mistake... Apologies to Keith Duggar..." -- Cimode
I am not enrolled in your army you moron. As for apologies, have you noticed how some Frauds mistake their dreams for reality....Common, get 'real...

> Given that you are 0-3 when facing me, I'm honestly quite
> surprised at your recent outburst. Do you still, after these
> few months, harbor such deep and bitter embarrassment that
> you would risk further humiliation with such desperate
> attempts to regain face?
Only a Fraud could perceive science as a baseball game where he could keep points which basically says a lot about your true motivations into participating in this NG...I really do not give a fuck about you or any of the Frauds I exposed.

Besides, do not worry about me regain face or being humiliated. Worry about all the bullshits I have exposed of you and once and for all have the god damn honesty to be sincere toward yourself...Idiot. Received on Tue Oct 17 2006 - 10:40:56 CEST

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