Re: THe OverRelational Manifesto (ORM)

From: U-gene <>
Date: 6 Apr 2006 00:28:04 -0700
Message-ID: <>

>It sounds pretty stupid...

What exactly?

>...and rather useless to me

Fortunately, I know many guys having opposite opinion. So I don't think it's my problem.

> Exactly what problem does it address that is not already addressed at least as well?

Do you really think that "already-addressed-problem" means "no-such-problem-already-at-all"? Do you really believe that each found decision is true? You shoud be very happy...

The problem is old enough and many well-know persons try to solve it. I just offer ather decision - nothing more. In my opinion is has some useful possibilities not allowed in other decisions.

The OverRelational Manifesto (below, ORM) proposes a possible approach to creation of data storage systems of the next generation. The need for such new systems is stipulated by the fact that the capabilities of the existing DBMS are not satisfactory for development of complex information systems. In essence, the matter in question is the possibilities of an adequate description of a complex enterprise.

...The expressiveness of such a system is comparable with that of object-oriented programming languages. On the other hand, the approach proposed admits the fundamentality of the relational model of data , including the possibility of using that model as a formal basis for a data storage system of the next generation. ...
The OverRelational Manifesto confirms the most important positions of its predecessors. Similarly to "The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto" it supports the idea of long-term stored complex objects. Similarly to "Third-Generation Data Base System Manifesto" it assumes that the existing systems for data storage can be used and developed. Similarly to "The Third Manifest," it tends to preserve the purity of ideas of the relational data model.

On the basis of the approach proposed by ORM, a system can be developed, which can be treated, first of all, as a system for creating an adequate, active, and long-term model of the enterprise that is controlled by the user and provides the user with data about its state.

" Received on Thu Apr 06 2006 - 09:28:04 CEST

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