Re: Normalizing Every Thing with XDb2

From: Neo <>
Date: 28 Jul 2004 16:24:05 -0700
Message-ID: <>

> x wrote: I wonder if you can do math with those quantities. > For example could one ask for the total weight of all boxes.

In the example below, the quantities have been classified as integers.

Create two boxes with thickness, weight and cost. Loop thru boxes and sum their weights.
void Example_BoxProperties()
// Create integer

    NLI_create_r(_T("*integer cls thing"));

// Create quantity

    NLI_create_r(_T("*quantity cls thing"));

    // Create 1

      NLI_create_r(_T("* name '1'"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* cls quantity"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* cls integer"));

    // Create 10
      NLI_create_r(_T("* name '10'"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* cls quantity"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* cls integer"));

// Create unit

    NLI_create_r(_T("*unit cls thing"));
    NLI_create_r(_T("*cm cls unit"));
    NLI_create_r(_T("*kg cls unit"));
    NLI_create_r(_T("*$ cls unit"));

// Create distance

    NLI_create_r(_T("*distance cls thing"));

    // Create 1 cm

      NLI_create_r(_T("* cls distance"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* quantity 1"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* unit cm"));

// Create mass

    NLI_create_r(_T("*mass cls thing"));

    // Create 1 kg

      NLI_create_r(_T("* cls mass"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* quantity 1"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* unit kg"));

    // Create 10 kg
      NLI_create_r(_T("* cls mass"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* quantity 10"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* unit kg"));

// Create money

    NLI_create_r(_T("*money cls thing"));

    // Create 1 $

      NLI_create_r(_T("* cls money"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* quantity 1"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("* unit $"));

// Create relators

    NLI_create_r(_T("*thickness cls relator"));
    NLI_create_r(_T("*weight cls relator"));
    NLI_create_r(_T("*cost cls relator"));

// Create box

    NLI_create_r(_T("*box cls thing"));

    // Create box1

      NLI_create_r(_T("*box1 cls box"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("box1 thickness (distance)((quantity)1)((unit)cm)"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("box1 weight (mass)(1)(kg)"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("box1 cost (money)(1)($)"));

    // Create box2
      NLI_create_r(_T("*box2 cls box"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("box2 thickness (distance)((quantity)1)((unit)cm)"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("box2 weight (mass)(10)(kg)"));
      NLI_create_r(_T("box2 cost (money)(1)($)"));

// Get ptr to things created above
// Note: one of several methods

    int* pBox = Str_getDefT(_T("box"));
    int* pQty = Str_getDefT(_T("quantity"));
    int* pWeight = Str_getDefT(_T("weight"));
    int* pInteger = Str_getDefT(_T("integer"));

// Loop thru box instances
    int totalWeight = 0;
    int* pE[32];
    Expr_SVx_get_r(pBox, pReInst_g, pE);     while (int* pBoxX = X2(pE)){

      // Get boxX's weight
        int* pWeightX = S_SVx_1st(pBoxX, pWeight);
        if (pWeightX){
          // Get weightX's qty
            int* pQtyX = S_SVx_1st(pWeightX, pQty);
            if (pQtyX){
              // If qtyX is an integer
                if (S_SVO_1st(pQtyX, pReCls_g, pInteger)){
                  // Get qtyX's name as an ascii str
                    TCHAR sQtyX[kStrSz_g+1] = _T("");
                    T_Name_get(pQtyX, sQtyX, kStrSz_g);

                  // Convert ascii str to integer
                    int iQtyX = _ttoi(sQtyX);

                  // Sum weight
                    totalWeight = totalWeight + iQtyX;


// Print total weight of boxes (prints 11)
    TRACE(_T("Total weight of boxes is: %d\n"), totalWeight); } Received on Thu Jul 29 2004 - 01:24:05 CEST

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