Re: OOP - a question about database access

From: Tak To <>
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 20:39:45 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Phlip wrote:
> Some managers cut everything up into features, sort them by
> priority, and track how long each one takes to finish. Then
> they use this velocity metric to estimate how many features
> would be finished by a given time. This allows them to,
> eventually, put the most important 5 pounds of shit into the
> bag.

It seems to me that these managers have confused features with tasks. Using the analogy of a building: these managers think they can schedule construction by rooms, thereby ignoring tasks such as pouring the foundation, laying down the pipes and ducts and pulling the wires.

Translating featuers to tasks is often non-trivial. Most managers lack the necessary skillset and that is often why they become managers instead of architects or independent consultants.


Tak To                                  
  [taode takto ~{LU5B~}]      NB: trim the xx to get my real email addr
Received on Thu Nov 06 2003 - 02:39:45 CET

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