Re: How can I find size of my DB?

From: Alex Ivascu <alex_at_ivascu.comNOSPAM>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 19:21:55 GMT
Message-ID: <nnx79.153580$>

column dummy noprint

column  pct_used format 999.9       heading "%|Used"
column  name    format a16      heading "Tablespace Name"
column Kbytes format 999,999,999 heading "KBytes" column used format 999,999,999 heading "Used" column free format 999,999,999 heading "Free" column largest format 999,999,999 heading "Largest" break on report
compute sum of kbytes on report
compute sum of free on report
compute sum of used on report

select nvl(b.tablespace_name,

             nvl(a.tablespace_name,'UNKOWN')) name,
       kbytes_alloc kbytes,
       kbytes_alloc-nvl(kbytes_free,0) used,
       nvl(kbytes_free,0) free,
                          kbytes_alloc)*100 pct_used,
       nvl(largest,0) largest
from ( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_free,
              max(bytes)/1024 largest,
       from  sys.dba_free_space
       group by tablespace_name ) a,
     ( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_alloc,
       from sys.dba_data_files
       group by tablespace_name )b

where a.tablespace_name (+) = b.tablespace_name order by 1

Alex Ivascu

"Anand" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I need a method to find out the exact size of my database! One way to
> do this that I can predict is to take the size of each table and then
> sum it up, but there must be a cleaner approach!
> Thanks and Regards,
> Anand
Received on Sat Aug 17 2002 - 21:21:55 CEST

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