Re: Replication won't work on 8i

From: Wayne Menzie <waynem_at_bosmedtechdotcom.nospam>
Date: 1999/12/22
Message-ID: <8EA484092wayneshammalammading_at_24.128.44.7>#1/1 (Ramanarao Chamarty) wrote in <83r1sf$ntp$>:

>A Few tips:
>1: Before you start creating the master groups, first make sure your
>db_links work. Check the dba_db_links tables. Connect to remote
>database and test it ( Both ways for Multi-Master). The nuclues to all
>problems is DB_LINKS and network. Rest all works like a charm.
>2: Check the errors ( Deferror, dba_repcatlog, dba_repcat). Anything to
>help you resolve.
>3: If the status is ready - try to push the jobs.You will certainly see -
>generate errors.
>4: Check for all packages/package bodies to be - VALID.

Thank you for the tips. I know the db_links work from site 1 but I think I'm running into a problem with the global_name for that site because the link from site 2 fails because it is referencing oracle, not the global database name I assigned. I'm getting some strange global_name functionality. If I'm on server 1, SELECT * FROM GLOBAL_NAME returns oracle but on server 2 connected to server1, SELECT * FROM GLOBAL_NAME returns the global_name I assigned. I am beginning to see the wisdom of tip #1.

Quick question about #4, is that just checking dba_objects for status = 'INVALID' or is there more?

Thank you again for your help. You, Pete and Hasso have been very helpful.

Wayne Menzie Received on Wed Dec 22 1999 - 00:00:00 CET

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