Re: complicated access-sql-oracle mix seeking advice

From: Neil Pike <>
Date: 1998/06/09
Message-ID: <VA.000005a4.001362fe_at_neilpikeport.itops.natwestuk>#1/1


 Definitely go with a centralised database if you can. Either SQL Server or Oracle is fine for the job here. For access over low bandwidth links then yes, web access is one way - another way would be to use Citrix/Hydra. There are pro's and con's to each - Citrix would cost you a lot more but you could then use "standard" client/server programmers using VB/ODBC etc. rather than needing HTML/ADO/ActiveX/Java skills for the web solution.  

 Get some advice on this before you go out getting programmers in.  

 Neil Pike MVP/MCSE
 Protech Computing Ltd Received on Tue Jun 09 1998 - 00:00:00 CEST

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