Re: Informix vs. Sybase vs. Oracle vs. (gasp) MS SQL Server

From: Joe Lumbley <>
Date: 1997/12/03
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Anthony Mandic ( wrote:

: I go into a store and make an electronic purchase. Being
: a programmer I also know what else they do (recording my
: personal details for stats tracking and mail lists etc.).
: If I know this, why don't you?

Maybe because I know the difference between "assuming" and "knowing". You think you know what's going on under the covers just because you can see the color of the bedspread? "Being a programmer I also know...." What hubris.

This thread seems to be pointing out the difference between grizzened veterans who've seen the real world and admit that it's not perfect and the bright-eyed, ivory tower types who can take one look at a complicated system, apply their favorite religion/demagoguery to it, and instantaneously come up with the one and only right answer.

: -am

Joe Lumbley(   author of: "INFORMIX DBA Survival Guide"

Slaving away on "INFORMIX DEBUGGERS Survival Guide", available early 1998
from Prentice Hall/Informix Press.  If you have debugging tips, tools, or
ideas to share, please send me some e-mail.
Received on Wed Dec 03 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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