Re: 32bit vs 64bit ?

From: Jason Pociask <>
Date: 1996/04/20
Message-ID: <4lbsm4$>#1/1

I think having an SGA bigger than the entire addressing space of a 32 bit processor is one of the attractions...basically the ability to load gobs of your database into memory and access it there, rather than incurring disk IO's. Rambo RAM-Disks. I remember when I first read the VAX Architecture Manual in 1980 and I thought, '2 Gigabytes of virtual address space, unbelievable!'; (this is on machines that had maybe 64 or 128 megabytes of physical memory, and that seemed kind of luxurious at the time).

Now DEC is trying to sell you machines with 8, 12 or more gigabytes of _physical memory_. Kind of blows the mind.

-Jason Received on Sat Apr 20 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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