Controlled access within application

From: Ognian Nikolov <>
Date: 1996/04/17
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Dear all

Please help us in solving the following problem:

When a user is logging on Oracle WGS2000/NT, if there is a SQL script named GLOGIN.SQL, it is executed first and thus it is possible to take over the control of logging procedure and to expand the access to the Oracle database. How can we use the same approach for any application accessing the database - for instance VisualC, ODBC, etc?

Thanks in advance.
Please send your advices, suggestions or comments to:

CSoft Ltd., 8 "Filaret" str., 9000 Varna, Bulgaria
tel. +35952-602844; fax: +35952-602843
Received on Wed Apr 17 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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