Re: Oracle 7 and UNIX permissions - Help

From: Gerard H. Pille <>
Date: 1996/03/30
Message-ID: <4jj89p$>#1/1

In article <4jhmdf$82b_at_zimmer.CSUFresno.EDU>, Elizabeth Bagley (bagley_at_zimmer.CSUFresno.EDU) says...
!>I have an Oracle 7 system running under Solaris, but have been unable
!>to make the databases available to any user on the machine other than
!>"oracle", the software owner. As suggested in the install docs, the
!>files in the dbs directory are 640 and owned by "oracle" with a group
!>ownership of "dba".
!>When I temporarily added my UNIX login to the group "dba" and changed the
!>permissions of the files in the dbs directory to 660, I found that I _was_
!>able to access the databases. I'm pretty sure this isn't the way to go,
!>since I don't want for everyone to have "dba" access....
!>Does this sound like a familiar problem to someone? Any pointers?
!>Greatly appreciative of any help,

Hello Lisa,

Are you sure you have run '' after installation? It might be that oracle (in $ORACLE_HOME/bin) hasn't got its setuid bit on. ls -l $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle should give something like

-rws--x--x oracle dba ...... oracle

Or your problem might be more basic: do the users, on login, execute oraenv, which sets up their environment for a specific $ORACLE_SID?

Kind reGards
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Received on Sat Mar 30 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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