Power Objects - modifying translation method at runtime

From: Niels Duelund <duelund_at_datashopper.dk>
Date: 1996/02/20
Message-ID: <4gbt2d$b11_at_hades.datashopper.dk>#1/1

A couple of days ago I read, and used, an advise about using the postchange method for one field to modify the translation method for another.

I have got a repeater panel. I contains a project# and a subproject#, both popUpLists. I want the list of values (translation) of the subproject#'s to be limited by project#.

This is the he code that I have in the PostChange method of popProjekt

        IF nvl(self.value, "NULL") = "NULL" THEN
                popSubProject.Translation = ""
                popSubProject.Translation = "=select txt, subproject#
                                              from projects
                                              where project# = " & self.value
        END IF

The IF-NULL is to control scrolling to a new row. This construction only works if there is one row in the repeater. If I use the popUpList in the second row, the selected item is not transferred to the repeater.
Also the row is locked (lock icon is showed), and I get a lot of errors like "could not delete existing row", "error initializing system method" ...

Has anybody encountered similar problems ??

Tkanks Niels Received on Tue Feb 20 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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