Q: SQL*Net dial-up frommobile laptop

From: Tony Bravo <TBravo_at_gnn.com>
Date: 1996/02/20
Message-ID: <4gdtc7$cb_at_news-e1a.megaweb.com>#1/1

Does anyone know if there's any software out there that would allow laptop users to run a SQL*Net (or ODBC) compliant tool over a dial-up line to an Oracle backend UNIX server? There's gotta be some software that is WINSOCK compliant, fakes out the direct calls and uses a SLIP/PPP connection? I don't want Oracle WWW stuff 'cos I have tools which only speak SQL*Net. Willing to pay $$$ for the software!


Tony Bravo                                         71001.1253_at_compuserve.com
Received on Tue Feb 20 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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