Re: F.orms 4.x Programming Question: Window toggling?

From: Lee levy <>
Date: 1996/01/14
Message-ID: <4dc12a$>#1/1

Nasty fix:
Include a control block of items, one for each modal window and stick in a specific value when you open/close the window, eg. 'OPENED', 'CLOSED'. Query control items when need to know status of window. Update items when specific window is opened & closed. Should work - I hate working this way, the overheads are so high.

Truly, Having gone GUI, Forms needs more high level controls for this sort of thing, eg
What window am I in?
Exit application entirely (not just current form) etc.


In article <4d3f5k$215_at_columbia>, (Wayne Little) says:
>How can one test to see if a "window" is open? GET_WINDOW_PROPERTY
>doesn't have a status.
>We have buttons that bring up NON-modal pop-up windows (tied to a key in
>the main window). These pop-up windows sometimes get put to the "back"
>when the background of the main window is clicked on. This can be
>confusing for the users. We'd like a way either to prevent this, or to
>get them back to the window in the same state (with any changes they've

>Any ideas greatly appreciated
>Wayne Little, Boeing Computer Services - Richland
>Internet: wayne_little_at_FEP0.RL.GOV
>"God loves each of us, as if there were only one of us." Augustine

     / / /\     |  Lee Levy, ISSD Systems Development, Del Code (34)
    / / /  \    |  BHP Information Technology,  ACN 006 476 213
   / / / /\ \   |  PO Box 261, Warrawong, NSW 2502, Australia
   \ \/ / / / | PH: +61 42 75-5485 Fax: -5500 Tie: 8855-     \ / / / | Internet :
Opinions expressed are mostly my own, so give me some credit. Received on Sun Jan 14 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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