Forms 4.5 item properties

From: Chris Kasten <>
Date: 1995/10/26
Message-ID: <46oo73$>#1/1

For the sake of discussion, let's suppose you have a form with a block displaying 10 rows of data. One of the columns in the block is a NUMBER datatype.

AAA   AAA   000.00
BBB   AAA   000.00
CCC   BBB   000.00

DDD BBB 000.00 Now let's further suppose that you would like to change the format of that field dependant upon some other values in that row. For example, in the block layed out above you would like the number to be a percentage whenever column 2 is 'AAA', and a dollar format when column 2 is 'BBB'. AAA AAA 00.00%
BBB AAA 00.00%
CCC BBB $00.00
DDD BBB $00.00
I know I can change the format_mask on the fly via the set_item_property() function, but can I do it individually (and conditionally)? Currently when calling

    set_item_property(id, format_mask, '999.00%') all of the fields become formatted to percent - as expected. What I want to know is can I get around that (short of using temporary display fields of some sort)?


Chris Kasten
Programmer/Analyst (among others...)

#include <sys/std_disclaimer.h>
Received on Thu Oct 26 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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