SQL*Net v2 and SQLNET.ORA parameter

From: <ivo.drvaric_at_ext.uni-mb.si>
Date: 1995/09/15
Message-ID: <1995Sep15.214244.1243_at_rcum>#1/1


I was told that there exists some parameter in SQLNET.ORA file on database server
which controls when PMON receives a signal to clean client's resources from the rdbms kernel.

Has anybody any idea which parameter is that ( something that likes EXPIRATION time... )?

I am asking this question because i have problem that resources on some sessions stayed too long after that session has been exited ( session id is still present on sql*dba screen though that user has already logged out from the server database ).

Thanx for your replies.

Ivan Drvaric
drvaric_at_extdrv.uni-mb.si Received on Fri Sep 15 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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