[DDE] Windows and Excel

From: Serge de la Sablonniere <momesso_at_crim.ca>
Date: 1995/08/02
Message-ID: <1995Aug2.144702.22549_at_clouso.crim.ca>#1/1

I have a question for those with experience using DDE with Excel.

I have created a form that starts Excel using the following:

        DDE.APP_BEGIN budget_94.xls

I then initiated a conversation:

        DDE.INITIATE Then I read some data from this spreadsheet using:

        DDE.REQUEST ... The next step is where I am stuck, I want to load another budget file without:         

  1. having to exit and restart my form
  2. having to issue a DDE.APP_END and DDE.APP_BEING to restart excel.

I have played with DDE.EXECUTE, but the proper syntax eludes me.

Funny that DDE.EXECUTE(CONV_ID, '[FILE.CLOSE()]',1000) works, but something like DDE.EXECUTE(CONV_ID, '[FILE.OPEN("C:\budget_96.xls")]',1000) does not!!!

Help with be appreciated,


Serge De La Sablonniere | Centre de recherche informatique de Montreal (CRIM)
Analyste senior         | 1801, avenue McGill College, bureau 800 
                        | Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3A 2N4
<momesso_at_crim.ca>       | tel: +1 514 398-2867 / fax: +1 514 398-1244 

Received on Wed Aug 02 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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