Query multiple tables in Forms 4.0 block?

From: George Brown <gbrown_at_partech.com>
Date: 1995/06/20
Message-ID: <gbrown-2006951226370001_at_browng.partech.com>#1/1

Can you query, and in turn display multiple tables in a Forms 4.0 block? I have an ID that I want to "map" to a name which is contained in another table. I get an Oracle can't execute query error. Any ideas?

George Brown                    Voice: 315-738-0600x250
8383 Seneca Turnpike            FAX: 315-738-8304
New Hartford, NY  13413-4991    e-mail: george_at_partech.com
Received on Tue Jun 20 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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