Re: Raw partition backups

From: MarkP28665 <>
Date: 1995/04/12
Message-ID: <3mi2rt$>#1/1

The UNIX command 'dd' is the only operating system command that will create a valid copy of a raw partition on most UNIX systems. Be advised that I was told while attending Oracle training by a classmate that his shop found out the hard way that even though other UNIX commands copied the raw partitions without indication of error. The files were unusable when they actually tried to use them during a recovery. I have heard of a utility called 'volcopy' that some systems have that works.

The DBA guide and most books for Oracle DBA's contain a 'hot backup' script to copy the database files while the system is up and running. As far as third party products go I do not know any off the top of my head, but I would start with database monitoring tools as I would bet most of these have the ability to automate execution of a backup script.

Mark -- No Witty Disclaimer Received on Wed Apr 12 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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