Re: Keeping Passwords Secure

From: Jodi Showers <>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 13:53:13 GMT
Message-ID: <>

In article <>, wrote:
> I beg to differ. Under Solaris 2.3, if you issue the command sqlplus
> the UID and PWD variables will be expanded, and you see the values when you do
> a ps -ef.

  Jess. And an ps -efl will show long command lines (those with many padded spaces).

> Have you thought about using OPS$ accounts? This would require that you have a
> separate unix ID for each user. I would assume that you have this, otherwise
> the students would be able to see each other's text files.

  And then you have security issues. Let's say you want a user to re-build some indexes or some other high security item. In which case you want to run secure items as 'owner' or some other role.

We've implemented a solution that seems foil ps.. and other issues

Problem 1 - PS is showing passwords, vis a vis command line

first in general you can use (or some shell variation)

     echo 'password' | sqlplus 'username' _at_some_sill_script

What this does is hide the 'password' from ps (ok. it does appear it does appear for a micro-second, then disapears!)

Problem 2 - Passwords are still in some readable form

But this creates another problem. Namely the 'password' is now in some readable format (ie. shell script, alias --> history, etc.) And shell scripts must be readable (+r) in order for a user to execute.

Solution. Put the "echo 'password' | sqlplus .... " into a perl script. Perl scripts can be (through a little coding, and recompiling) encoded. Perl will detect a coded script, and decode on the fly. Now just keep your perl source under lock and key, and everythings cool.

Jodi. Received on Mon Sep 19 1994 - 15:53:13 CEST

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