Re: Oracle Call Interface

From: Yair Friedman <>
Date: 19 Jul 1994 17:56:24 GMT
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> On 15 Jul 1994 16:42:36 GMT, (Dennis Moore) said:  

> In article <> writes:

>>>>>> Regarding Oracle Call Interface; phdye+_at_ELROND.GANDALF.CS.CMU.EDU (Philip Dye) said:

Philip> Someone once mentioned to me that OCI not going to be Philip> supported in future releases.

Philip> Does anyone have any information supporting or contradicting this ?

I answerd:

Yair> Our Oracle representatives here (Israel) discourage using OCI as an
Yair> "official" Oracle policy.  Sometime in the future they are going to
Yair> stop supporting OCI.  However, I can't see this being done in the near
Yair> future because there are so many things that simply can't be done
Yair> using oracle precompilers, and this results in many important Oracle
Yair> customers using OCI.

And Denis responded:

Dennis> We have absolutely no plan nor intention to stop supporting and enhancing
Dennis> OCI.  OCI has been dramatically enhanced in Oracle7 Release 7.1.  OCI,
Dennis> Pro*3GL, SQL Module, and ODBC are the four "3GL" interfaces supported for
Dennis> accessing Oracle databases, and they each have their advantages and
Dennis> disadvantages which should determine your strategy for usage, rather than
Dennis> false rumors about the future of OCI.

I re-checked it and it seems that I was partially wrong.

Until not long ago Oracle declare OCI as a product that is supported in the current version but they did not state whether they will support it in future releases. Since the release of Oracle 7.1 Oracle declared OCI as a product that will be supported in the future releases.

So it seems that OCI WILL be supported in the future.

Desclimer: This is MY understanding of OCI status. If you want more information, please contact you Oracle representative.

Yair I. Friedman              yair_at_HUJICS.BITNET

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Received on Tue Jul 19 1994 - 19:56:24 CEST

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