Fast Driver Orphans

From: Steve Gerard <>
Date: 8 Jul 1994 04:39:47 GMT
Message-ID: <2vilaj$>

He has a problem where user sessions are left hanging when the user terminates unexpectedly, eg hits ^X to disconnect without exiting an oracle application. This leaves sessions active on the Unix host. At end of day the database is bounced, but on startup semaphore resources remain from the sessions abruptly exited. Hence less shared memory resources are available after each database start, and eventually the pool of available shared memory becomes too small to run. This problem occurs when using the fast driver.

So can anyone advise the best method to recover shared memory resources held by such sessions, without resorting to manually removing each in turn using ipcrm ?

Environment: Oracle 7.0.13, Sun OS 4.1.3, Sun Sparc 1+


Stephen Gerard
Analyst Programmer
QCOM Systems and Software
Brisbane Qld 4000
++61 7 8393544

<<< My thoughts and opinions only, ... etc >>> Received on Fri Jul 08 1994 - 06:39:47 CEST

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