Table names limit to 8 chars on Forms ?!

From: Pedro Pimentel <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 01:28:36 GMT
Message-ID: <>

  I'm using Forms4.0 for Windows for the first time and I was getting really stupid errors on triggers created by the Default Block option to enforce integrity constraints (foreign keys, etc).

  After many frustration I tried to create similar forms with the demo tables (emp, dept, etc). Everything worked fine. It seems the problem was because I was using "long" names for my tables (10-12 chars).   SQL Forms seems to work ok with up to 8 char length names.

  The Server SQL Language Reference manual says the table name length is limited to 30 chars. What now?! Do I have to change all my database?! Or am I missing something ?!

  Please help... Received on Mon Jun 20 1994 - 03:28:36 CEST

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