Re: Help system V7

From: Youri Podchosov <>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 15:10:00 EDT
Message-ID: <>


I asked once in this group but haven't gotten any response: I've got funny disk in my O7 V7. distribution named "Oracle Help V1.". What's it for? I installed the entire O7 (w/o CASE and XA support) and no one product asked me about this disk. Is it SQL*Plus help subsystem? Currently I can't get *any* help from SQL*Plus, but why didn't it complain at installation time?

Apologies for probably stupid question, but I really don't care much (nor my customer), so this is mainly to satisfy my curiosity.

YNP Received on Sun Apr 10 1994 - 21:10:00 CEST

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