ORACLE 6/7 ODBC Access

From: Michael Stowe <>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 94 12:31:01 -0600
Message-ID: <>

ODBC is plagued by performance problems, particularly when accessing robust database server engines. It is not completely worthless, as long as you make an effort not to stress the pipe... For example, construct your SQL so that the database does the work -before- it gets to ODBC. Microsoft reportedly plans performance gains for ODBC v2.0. (The performance issue is clearly not Oracle's.)

> The ORACLE ODBC driver that I am using is the one that
> comes with MS Access - is there a better one somewhere?

Microsoft released an update to this one, available through anonymous ftp. Since you don't say which version you have, I can't say whether it's later than what you have or not.

Michael Stowe
Director of Technical Services
Constellation Engineering Received on Wed Feb 23 1994 - 19:31:01 CET

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