orasrv will not start on our Pyramid?

From: Daniel B. Bikle <dbikle_at_cco.caltech.edu>
Date: 14 Jan 1994 20:29:53 GMT
Message-ID: <2h6vc1$3vi_at_gap.cco.caltech.edu>

Hi There,

I can't start orasrv on our Pyramid.

our logfile has some error syntax in it:

SQL*Net TLI Network Server
Shutdown at 14-JAN-94 10:30:55

SQL*Net Network Server (orasrv)
Started at 14-JAN-94 10:30:59 by root
LOGGING MODE IS ENABLED ORA-06753: TLI Driver: name-to-address mapping failedUnknown TLI ERROR: 0

SQL*Net TLI Network Server
Shutdown at 14-JAN-94 10:30:59

I ran pkginfo to see if we have TLI installed:

dbbikle% pkginfo

optional    Motif1-1       Motif
optional    Motif1-1.2     Motif
optional    XView2         XView
optional    XView2.2       XView
system      ansic          Built into the Base, can not be removed.
system      attcmd         DC/OSx
system      attcmd.2       DC/OSx
system      atthead        DC/OSx
system      atthead.2      DC/OSx
system      attlib         DC/OSx
system      attlib.2       DC/OSx
optional    c++            C++ Compiler
optional    c++.2          C++ Compiler
system      ccs            Built into the Base, can not be removed.
system      compat         Built into the Base, can not be removed.
system      crypt          Security Administration Utilities
system      crypt.2        Security Administration Utilities
system      dcosx          DC/OSx Base Binaries
system      dcosx.2        DC/OSx Base Binaries
system      den            Dual Ethernet Product
optional    den.2          Dual Ethernet Product
system      dfm            Built into the Base, can not be removed.
system      edit           Built into the Base, can not be removed.
system      fmli           Built into the Base, can not be removed.
system      lp             Built into the Base, can not be removed.
system      man            DC/OSx
system      man.2          DC/OSx
optional    mirror         Mirror Disk
optional    mirror.2       Mirror Disk
optional    nfs            OpenNet NFS
optional    nfs.2          OpenNet NFS
system      oam            Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
system      oam.2          Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
optional    rocompat       RISC/os Compatibility Package
optional    rocompat.2     RISC/os Compatibility Package
system      sash           SASH
system      sash.2         SASH
system      skeleton       DC/OSx
system      skeleton.2     DC/OSx
optional    tcp            OpenNet TCP/IP
optional    tcp.2          OpenNet TCP/IP
system      ucbcmd         DC/OSx
system      ucbcmd.2       DC/OSx
system      ucbhead        DC/OSx
system      ucbhead.2      DC/OSx
system      ucblib         DC/OSx
system      ucblib.2       DC/OSx
optional    uots           Universal Online Test Suite
optional    uots.2         Universal Online Test Suite
system      uts            DC/OSx
system      uts.2          DC/OSx
system      utsdebug       DC/OSx
system      utshead        DC/OSx
system      utshead.2      DC/OSx
optional    vdisk          Virtual Disk
optional    vdisk.2        Virtual Disk
system      windows        Built into the Base, can not be removed.
optional    x11r4          X Window System
optional    x11r4.2        X Window System

My questions are:

Can I assume from the above list that TLI is not installed?

If not, will orasrv work once I install TLI.

I'd ask Oracle Support, but no one here knows the csi #.

I have a call in to Pyramid. They are usually very helpful, but this question has a heavy Oracle slant to it.


Daniel B. Bikle
Independent Oracle Consultant
P.O. BOX 'D'
Received on Fri Jan 14 1994 - 21:29:53 CET

Original text of this message