Info and expreience regarding front-end data access tools

From: Rajeev Gupta <>
Date: 3 Jan 1994 23:07:02 GMT
Message-ID: <2ga8em$>

Hi Everybody,

        I am trying to compile some kind of comaparison of highly talked about query/reporting tools on clients to access data from Oracle server. I have got their eval copies and trying to compare their features. As I have been using another query tool "ORACLE BROWSER" can comparea its features with the demo features of eval copies of these tools which is far from reality ...

 I would highly appreciate the real life experience ( good features/ problems) with these tools.
Once the list is compiled, I will post this back to newsgroup .. or mail to anyone who needs it ..

The paramtere to compare this tools are as follows :

  1. Centralized administration from server
  2. Pre-defined queriee with parametes
  3. Ability to limit the resources( Query time, # of rows to fetch)
  4. Query scheduling ona specified time or back ground execution
  5. query optimization ( indication if suboptimized query)
  6. graph/charting capability 7 DDE/OLE support
  7. Middileware requirements
  8. tracking database usage. 10.Security control 11.Built-in functions 12.Ease of use
  9. Time to implement
  10. Last, but not the least its price ..

Any contribution to this highly appreciated

Note : Please Feel free to add more tools or paramters if you wish ...


-raj Received on Tue Jan 04 1994 - 00:07:02 CET

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