Re: Can we call off this advertising before it gets out of hand?

From: Troy Rollo <troy_at_cbme.unsw.EDU.AU>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1993 21:27:16 GMT
Message-ID: <1993Oct15.212716.2219_at_usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU>

[Lots of naive and irrelevent examples deleted]

Silly posts comparing basically political organisations, where there are no tangible gains to be made and where opposing opinions emerge even from within the same organisation simply don't hold when compared to a commercial organisation where tangible gains are to be made, and at least expressed opinion is almost always to the commercial organisation's favour.

> Usenet is not your personal playground... oh, get a good dictionary if you
> don't believe it.

Exactly. It's not my personal playground or anybody else's. That's why *I* haven't posted any advertising.

> "Bring on the vendors and get rid of the nose in the air types trying to
> save us from the evils of profit"

This, again, is just plain silly. Firstly, I have *nothing* against profit. I work for a company that sells a product that competes directly with the products advertised by the two people under discussion. Their positions would normally involve some sort of profit share. Mine also involves some sort of profit share, but you don't see me posting every time somebody asks about database access tools saying "Why don't you try [blank], it does [blah blah blah] Phone [555 1234]."

USENET is not here to be a source of freebie advertising. If you want that, start your own heirachy and see how many sites cary it.

In anticipation your suggestion that I start a heirachy intended not to carry advertising instead, somebody already did - around 7 of them, and you're reading from one of them right now.

troy_at_cbme.unsw.EDU.AU	      Overworked, overcommited and always multitasking.
Opinions expressed are not those of the CBME or UNSW, but are my opinions only.
Received on Fri Oct 15 1993 - 22:27:16 CET

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