Oraterm and exit.

From: Mogens Lynnerup <neulynne_at_uts.uni-c.dk>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1993 10:31:10 GMT
Message-ID: <1993Oct15.103110.27127_at_uts.uni-c.dk>


on a vt220 I would like to remap the RUNFORM-RUNMENU Product Key `Exit' from the Device Key PF4 to Esc expected to be hexadecimal 1B. How ever when I try to do this it seems like RUNFORM-RUNMENU is waiting for another character to arrive and not timing out and recognizing Esc as a valid single character. Can anyone confirm this bizar behavior and better does anyone have a solution.

BTW - this is Forms and Menu



+ Mogens Lynnerup +
+ UNI-C Aarhus, Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education. +
+ Olof Palmes Alle 38, DK 8200 Aarhus N. +
+ +
+ Phone: +45 86 78 44 44 +
+ Telefax: +45 86 78 44 55 +
+ E-Mail: Mogens.Lynnerup_at_uni-c.dk +
Received on Fri Oct 15 1993 - 11:31:10 CET

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