Re: asynchronous (non-blocking) sql

From: Florent Pillet <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1993 21:00:16 GMT
Message-ID: <> (Henri Schueler) writes:
> I am working on a operating system that is non-preemptive. (MAC sys 7.)
> I am in a situation where I am using sqlnet to access a remote host,
> and would like to be able to issue sql requests, and then return control
> to the OS, rather than just have sql wait around.
> Has anyone run into the same problem?
> Has anyone solve it, or else decided it was unsolvable.
> I have looked at the C code generatd by the PRO C compiler, and given the
> number of functions being called (about 10-20), am hoping that one of those
> is a 'wait until done' call, which I can replace by a 'are you done yet' cal
> But I have no documentation on the Oracle C functions (the functions have na
> like sqlosq, sqlexe, sqlcls).
> Does anyone have any documentation on those functions?
> /jhs
> --
> J. Henri Schueler, H&h Software, Toronto +1 416 698 9075

  I didn't use it so I can't tell if it'll suit your needs, but Apple's new   Thread Manager is perhaps the solution to your problem: starting a thread   that issues an SQL resquest then returning to the application to do   something else while the SQL request is processed would be the solution   but I don't know if, at the program level, you are allowed to make   system calls - ask in comp.sys.mac.programmer to the Thread Manager   guru's

  Anyway, if you find a solution you would be very kind to mail it to   me I'm interested...


  Florent Pillet, freelance programmer.             ____/|
  Location: Paris, France.                          \ o O|
    E-Mail:                 =(_T_)=
Received on Sun Aug 22 1993 - 23:00:16 CEST

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