Too many open files

From: marianne.g.pittorino <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1992 14:34:30 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Hi all!

I am running RDBMS V6. and Pro*C precompiler on a Pyramid
(Release 2 UNIX). I have an embedded SQL 'C' process that runs all day,
processing updates to our database. The process frequently executes a system call to SQL*Loader to load in bulk updates.

It seems as if sqlload is not closing its files. After about 100 calls or so
(the number is not constant), I start getting the following error:

	SQL*Loader-500:  Unable to open file (filename)
	Pyramid UNIX Error: 24: Too many open files

Shouldn't sqlload be closing its files when its exec'ed shell completes? I meticulously checked the rest of the code; the process has one file open when the system call to sqlload is made (a command file telling the process what update it needs to perform). Right before the system call is made, the process opens the data file (the ".dat" file), writes the data to be loaded, then closes the file.

Does anyone know of any weirdness with calling sqlload via a system call from a 'C' program?

Thanks for your help,
Marianne Received on Thu Dec 17 1992 - 15:34:30 CET

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