Re: Code in the database or middle tier (the CLR controversy)

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 08:26:20 -0700
Message-ID: <1117725853.479462_at_yasure>

William Stacey [MVP] wrote:
> I still don't know what you point is. Bad code is bad code. Some people
> may write bad or inefficient code, some may not.

[Quoted] What I am saying is that you are more likely to get good database code from people that know databases than you are from people that know VB. And to think that those coding in VB know databases at more than a superficial level is just not realistic.

What we are seeing, in practical terms, is the death of T-SQL rather than an effort, by Microsoft, to fix it. Inviting more cooks into the kitchen may sell more frying pans. But it does not improve the quality of the food being prepared.

Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
Received on Thu Jun 02 2005 - 17:26:20 CEST

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